Our Mission


A beacon of trust for companies in change

All markets are getting more and more demanding, differentiation is more complex then before.
We believe that a key differentiator for many maritime companies is to improve Logistics Performance With Centralised Data

Record data on every aspect of the business
Building up an information-driven supply chain is the top priority for supply chain executives. Exploiting every piece of data from every single step of the supply chain can bring immense value to businesses. It will ensure end-to-end visibility for all parties, greater efficiency, and optimized processes.

Utilize contextual intelligence
According to Harvard Business Review, it is defined as “the ability to understand the limits of our knowledge and to adapt that knowledge to an environment different from the one in which it was developed.” In other words, it is about considering the context of situations when looking to gain business insights through big data. Having data available from all aspects of the supply chain (including manufacturing, e-commerce and retail data too) will make it easier to improve processes and better plan for the future. However, the raw data itself is not enough. With the VEMASYS platform, which enables data cleansing and predictive analytics, you can transform the raw data into actionable insights which can be shared with all relevant stakeholders across the value chain in a timely manner.

Improve operational efficiency with data sharing
Real-time data sharing with all of your partners is important. The insights that you gather may not only be useful for you, but also for your partners. At the end of the day, this type of data sharing in logistics can help to improve operational efficiency by capturing fluctuating customer demand, external factors, and the operations of your partners. Additionally, it will improve transparency and help all stakeholders to streamline their processes, ultimately improving the quality of your processes, and the overall performance of your business as well.